Blog 3

After reading, Mike Bunn’s “How to Read like a Writer” it was a lot easier to comprehend what I was reading in Lawrence’s essay. Usually, if I’m reading something that doesn’t make sense to me, I either stop reading it or I keep reading it and don’t fully get the message the author is trying to convey. […]

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Blog 2

In Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, he believes that we enjoy horror movies because it helps us to take on our feelings, urges, and our impulses. When watching horror movies we are allowed to express our own emotions. King suggests that the reason we like watching scary movies is that in our everyday lives […]

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Hi, my name is Camryn Rodrigues and there are times when I have a difficult time with English. As a student, I would like to think that I’m pretty consistent when it comes to getting assignments done on time. There are sometimes that I start to procrastinate on an assignment because of work or because […]

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