Blog 13: Real Life Monsters

Anyone can be labeled as a monster. When we label people as monsters it’s because of the bad things that they have done. An example of a person who we see as a monster is Adolf Hitler. We see him as a monster because of all the bad things he did while he was alive. No […]

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Blog 11: The Start of Paper 2

There are two different ways to spell Wendigo, such as Windigo and Windego. It is a creature that can be found in the Native Americans legends but is most commonly noticed among the Algonquian people. There are certain facts that are stated in the article that seem a little strange. There are slight variations of what […]

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Blog 10: Chapter 8

There are many different sources that you can find proof of the chupacabra existing. One website in particular talks about evidence pertaining to the Chupacabra. It talks about how the chupacabra first appeared in 1995 in Puerto Rico. In Chupacabra: Facts about the Mysterious Vampire Beast, it makes about the same amount of claims as Benjamin Radford. […]

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Chapter 7

It is interesting to read about people’s personal “experiences” with the chupacabra. Chapter seven of “Tracking the Chupacabra” it mostly talks about how a woman named Madelyne Tolentino had the best chupacabra sighting. As you read on it gets a little difficult to believe the things she claims to have seen. Throughout the chapter, Tolentino talks […]

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Chapter 5 & 6

As I’ve been reading Tracking the Chupacabra, I have often questioned Radford’s credibility. In the beginning of chapter five, it talks about how two people from a small town in Nicaragua found actual proof of a chupacabra sighting.

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Blog 7: Chapter 4

The Chupacabra seems to be found mainly in Puerto Rico. In both of the articles, it talks about how the chupacabra is an animal that can be seen as a dog or a coyote. It is also known that this creature is a bloodsucker. When we are afraid of something that we aren’t sure if […]

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Blog 4

Matt Kaplan’s historical and biological explanations for the origins of vampire/zombies was more convincing than Cohen’s explanation of creatures in Greek mythology. He gave us more information on what was happening back then. It also helped us to get a better understanding of how the creatures evolved from actual events. Kaplan gives specific time periods […]

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