Blog 11: The Start of Paper 2

There are two different ways to spell Wendigo, such as Windigo and Windego. It is a creature that can be found in the Native Americans legends but is most commonly noticed among the Algonquian people. There are certain facts that are stated in the article that seem a little strange. There are slight variations of what the creature is supposed to look like and how it acts. From the pictures I have seen, it looks like the Wendigo is a skinnier version of the abominable snowman but it also has the skull of a deer. Like in Tracking the Chupacabra, there are many different stories of how the Wendigo came to be. One version is that the Wendigo was once a human being. According to Ancient Origin, there is talk about how when a human turns to cannibalism they become a Wendigo. What I don’t understand is how people believed that this creature used to be a human being.

There is another version where it said that this cryptid was a warrior that made a deal with the devil. He gave up his soul to save his tribe which led to him turning into a Wendigo. According to Ancient Origins, “This person is frozen, and the only way to kill a Wendigo is to kill the human within it as well. A few legends state that the frozen person is successfully rescued from inside the creature; in most cases, however, death is the only way to free a person from the Wendigo.” It’s believed that this person is stuck inside of the creature where the heart should be. If you kill the cryptid, the person inside will be freed. I find this is to story to be quite interesting but it is quite far fetched. How could any of this be real?

An illustration of Wendigoag

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