Blog 5: Tracking the Chupacabra- ch.1

In chapter one of “Tracking the Chupacabra,” we read about how they became to be. There were different ways that people had believed they caught sight of a chupacabra. The very first sighting of the animal was found in March 1995. People who lived in Puerto Rico believed that a chupacabra was real because they had discovered farm animals drained of their blood. They described the creature with long limbs, sharp claws, and a large head. Others might even report the monster as something totally different. Even though people were surprised by its image they were more freaked out by the actions it made. People were so enthralled with the idea of a chupacabra being real that they would believe anything someone else would say. The spread of chupacabras was reported in Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and the United States. 

This creature got its name because of the animals that it killed.  It’s crazy to think that people now a day believe to have seen the monster in person. I think that it’s a little weird for people to believe in something they haven’t actually seen in person. According to Remezcla Estaff, in August 2017, a man believed to have spotted a chupacabra while he was golfing. In the same article, there were also two other sightings in May of 2017. They all thought that the creature they had seen was a chupacabra because of the way it looked and the way it acted. The recent sightings were talked about because of the animals that were being killed.  There are many different theories about the origin of the monster. It is believed that there are other animals that may be the cause of the killings. Some people that have heard about the story don’t believe that there is any way the animal described is real. 

Image result for chupacabra

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